25 thoughts on “World Cup Match 2006: The Netherlands – Portugal”
Too many fouls in this game! The game could not continue smoothly!
hop hop Portugal, 2-1 in EC, third victory in a row hahaha
best mach ever LOL
Not Any competition It Wins
Netherlands, I’m so sorry
I hate this match so badly!
When it comes to Portugal how can anyone who is an England supporter be neutral? Portugal has owned England for years. I suspect you might not be as neutral as you claim.
let me guess that means
we must have one that game vs the portugese ???
yeah I know but that doesn’t invalidate my statement
Portugal sucks ass? It has been one of the few European teams regularly present on the final knock out stages for the last 4 major international competitions (Euro 2004, World Cup 2006, Euro 2004 and World Cup 2010)
forget about 4 years ago, today is your chance to win the World Cup. Fuck Portugal, they always suck ass!
But didn’t, that’s the fact! PORTUGAL 4EVER
lol looks like they all died. Holland should of won my ass , you guys started that shit and thought the portuguese would not fight back and got the medicine you guys needed.
Brazil? “We’ll put their name to the test!” FORÇA PORTUGAL!!!
if they should have one then they would have
you started a fight and you got your ass kicked, hope you liked it hahahahaha
holland 2x better, but somethimes you just got bad luck
holland always takes it from behind..
don’t worry netherlands
have everything for make history this world cup in south africa.
greetings from Italy.
It still holds the record for the most cards in 1 game.
Holland FTW :)…
this was the best match i ever seen this match was the best in 2006 world cup
this match was world best fighting match this was war lolz 16 yellow card and 4 red card
Too many fouls in this game! The game could not continue smoothly!
hop hop Portugal, 2-1 in EC, third victory in a row hahaha
best mach ever LOL
Not Any competition It Wins
Netherlands, I’m so sorry
I hate this match so badly!
When it comes to Portugal how can anyone who is an England supporter be neutral? Portugal has owned England for years. I suspect you might not be as neutral as you claim.
let me guess that means
we must have one that game vs the portugese ???
yeah I know but that doesn’t invalidate my statement
Portugal sucks ass? It has been one of the few European teams regularly present on the final knock out stages for the last 4 major international competitions (Euro 2004, World Cup 2006, Euro 2004 and World Cup 2010)
forget about 4 years ago, today is your chance to win the World Cup. Fuck Portugal, they always suck ass!
But didn’t, that’s the fact! PORTUGAL 4EVER
lol looks like they all died. Holland should of won my ass , you guys started that shit and thought the portuguese would not fight back and got the medicine you guys needed.
Brazil? “We’ll put their name to the test!” FORÇA PORTUGAL!!!
if they should have one then they would have
you started a fight and you got your ass kicked, hope you liked it hahahahaha
holland 2x better, but somethimes you just got bad luck
holland always takes it from behind..
don’t worry netherlands
have everything for make history this world cup in south africa.
greetings from Italy.
It still holds the record for the most cards in 1 game.
Holland FTW :)…
this was the best match i ever seen this match was the best in 2006 world cup
this match was world best fighting match this was war lolz 16 yellow card and 4 red card
next episode of destroyed in seconds :
Portugal @ WK2010
LooL ReFeri :@